Arizona State Prison Complex Eyman is a large facility that can house up to 7,222 is comprised of six units; Browning, Cook, Meadows, Rynning, SMU I and South unit. Each unit houses a different custody level of offender and offers slightly different programs. There are two maximum security units, 3 medium sex offender units, and a high custody unit.
A license plate factory run by inmates is part of the Eyman complex. Jobs available to offenders include working in laundry, the bakery, in a powder coating paint shop, or wood furniture manufacturing.
Eyman Correctional offers substance abuse treatments and mental health programs that are aimed to improve impulsiveness in inmates, as well as curbing aggression. Vocational skills at this facility include, welding, HVAC, industrial food preparation, and construction. Inmates can also earn a GED while incarcerated here.