Massachusetts Department of Corrections requires all visitors have an approved visiting application on file prior to attending a visiting session. Start the process by doing the following:
- Complete a Massachusetts Visitors Application. The application is also available in Spanish.
- Complete and sign the application, then mail it back to the inmate's facility.
- You and the inmate will be informed of your applications status once it is approved or denied.
- Visiting hours are posted on the facilities page on this site.
- All visitors are searched, vehicles can be searched as well.
A valid government issued photo ID is required in order to visit.
- No cell phones, pagers, cameras, or electronics of any kind. Secure these items in your car, or in a visitation locker if available.
- No tobacco products or lighters.
- No weapons, No drugs or alcohol, this includes having these items in your vehicle.

Dress Code and Visiting Rules
- No work boots
- No boots above the knee
- No bare feet
- No bathing suits, shorts, or clothing with excessive pockets
- No clothing that contains profanity, or be symbolic of drugs or gangs, sexual symbols, or contain offensive or threatening language/images are prohibited
- No clothing that promotes alcohol or tobacco
- No bobby pins, barrettes ribbons, or hair accessories
- No camouflage or fatigues may be worn
- No scrubs or uniforms
- No clothing similar to the inmate's
- No excessively baggy clothing
- No excessively tight clothing including spandex and spandex like clothing
- No hooded clothing
- No see through or sheer clothing
- No tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, or any other type of sleeveless clothing is allowed
- No watches, bracelets, earrings, or facial/body jewelry is allowed
- No leg warmers
- No hats or head coverings (unless worn for religious or medical purposes in which case they will be removed for search)
- No electronics of any kind, including phones
- No glitter makeup, including chap stick, lip balms, nail polish, or eye shadow
- Undergarments must be worn but not visible
- No clothing with zippers, with the exception of jackets
- No double layered clothing on the bottom half of a person
- Refrain from any clothing that contains metal, you must clear a metal detector or you will not be allowed to visit
- Nothing may be passed to the inmate during visitation
- Yelling, Talking Loud, and profanity is prohibited
Read the entire Massachusetts dress code before visiting.