Alabama Department of Corrections requires all inmates create a list of visitors upon entering into the correctional system. This form can be updated every six months. Some important things to know about visitation in Alabama:
- Inmates must serve 60 days before they can be eligible for visiting privileges.
- An inmate can have up to 8 adult visitors on their approved list.
- Married inmates are not allowed to have a friend of the opposite sex on their approved visitors list. Unmarried men are allowed a single friend of the same sex, and a single friend of the opposite sex on their visitation list.
- Visiting hours are posted on the facilities page of this site.
- All visitors are searched, vehicles can be searched as well.
- Victims of the inmate are not allowed to visit.
- Up to four adult visitors and four minor children are allowed to attend a visitation session at a time.
- Children must be supervised at all times.
A valid government issued photo ID is required in order to visit.
- No cell phones, pagers, cameras, or electronics of any kind. Secure these items in your car, or in a visitation locker if available.
- No tobacco products or lighters.
- No weapons, No drugs or alcohol, this includes having these items in your vehicle.
- Read the Alabama Visitor Regulations for more information about visiting. The form to fill out for having a minor visit is at the bottom of the Alabama Visitors Regulations.

Dress Code and Visiting Rules
- Visitors are allowed up to $20 in cash, their identification, and car keys in a clear plastic bag
- Visitors may purchase a $20 debit card to utilize the vending machines
- All visitors must wear undergarments
- All dresses, and skirts must extend below the knee, slits must be knee length or lower.
- Shirts and blouses must cover the midriff and chest
- A brief hug and kiss is permitted at the start and end of visitation
- No sunglasses (unless prescribed by a doctor)
- No bare feet, slippers, flip flops, or shower shoes
- No medical scrubs
- No firearms or weapons
- No hats, scarves, or headbands
- No sundresses, or sleeveless shirts
- No excessively tight clothing including spandex and spandex like clothing
- No see through or sheer clothing
- No tube tops, tank tops, halter tops, muscle shirts, or any other type of sleeveless clothing is allowed
- No watches, bracelets, earrings, or facial/body jewelry
- No electronics of any kind, including phones
- Nothing may be passed to the inmate during visitation
- Shouting and profanity is prohibited