Montgomery State Prison opened in 1972 and can house a maximum of 900 medium security adult male inmates. Residents are housed in one of six open dormitories, each able to house 64 men. Additionally this facility has single person isolation cells and two man segregation cells. While incarcerated, inmates can work on a poultry and egg farm. Vocational training includes upholstery, auto detailing and mechanics, food services, landscaping and small engine repair.

Description of Facility
Visiting Hours & Information
Georgia Department of Corrections requires all visitors complete a visitors application and be approved before visiting. Start by doing the following:
- All visitors regardless of age must fill out a visitors application.
- You must gather and submit a copy of all the documents required in the application, this includes a valid government issued photo ID.
- The application must be completed, signed and notarized.
- Familiarize yourself with the Georgia Inmate Visitation Policy and Rules to know what is expected from all visitors.
- Once your visitors application is approved, you can Schedule a Visit with an Inmate in Georgia.
- If something happens and you can no longer make the scheduled visit you can cancel a visit here.

Visiting Hours for Montgomery State Prison:
Saturdays, Sundays, and State Holidays
By Appointment Only
Arrive at the facility a maximum of 15 minutes before your scheduled visit time.
Schedule a visit with an inmate in Georgia.
Visitors are searched before entering into visitation. If you have a cell phone, drugs, or tobacco on you, you will be arrested.
Facility Telephone Number
Fax Number
Facility Address
Montgomery State Prison
650 Mt. Veron/Alston Road
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445
United States
Inmate Mailing Address
Inmate Name, ID Number
Montgomery State Prison
P.O. Box 256
Mt. Vernon, GA 30445
United States